Impact of Male Pornography Consumption on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence

It is with great pleasure that LEM España presents the English version of the report «Impact of Male Pornography Consumption on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence: Analysis from Feminist Theory and Psychology for Training and Awareness-Raising«, which addresses the relationship between pornography consumption and sexual violence from a very new perspective, i.e. combining feminism and psychology.

This report is funded by the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, within the Secretary of State for Equality and the Eradication of Violence against Women, Ministry of Equality, Spain, and written by Inés Abalo Rodríguez, Ph.D. in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, expert in behavior analysis and learning processes, and Mónica Alario Gavilán, Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies with Mention of Excellence and Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

From LEM España, we believe that this report can be of great social relevance and become a great tool for dissemination and prevention for society in general. In addition, we hope that these recommendations and the content of the research in general will become a support material for families, teachers and social agents involved in the prevention of sexual violence and sexual education, and will serve as a support and basis for future research and studies on the subject.

«Impact of Male Pornography Consumption on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence: Analysis from Feminist Theory and Psychology for Training and Awareness-Raising«